What do a submarine, an engine remanufacturing facility, and a steel factory share in common, and how does it drives innovation and profitability?
Let’s start with a submarine. The US Navy serves its mission to protect its home country by operating a fleet of several hundred ships. Due to the congressional mandate of full operational readiness, managing risk at the Navy comes down to enforcing battle-tested operational procedures. There is a manual for everything, and anyone who deviates from the strict operating procedures faces severe disciplinary actions for a reason.
People naturally admire accomplishment, and yet only a few accomplish what so many aspire to. Jordan Peterson argues that humans are aiming creatures, so all you need is a worthy goal and work hard toward that goal. Victor Frankl, however, proclaims that purpose drives humans in all life stages, so all you need is a purpose worth living.
Setting goals indeed became fashionable, yet many people don’t feel accomplished in life despite having reached some goals in life.